Welcome to Genomics in B♭, a technical blog on programming, bioinformatics and music.

In the course of my job as a bioinformatician and programmer, I often encounter periods of head-scratching, trying to solve a problem or get something to work. Before starting this site, there would be occasions where I find a solution and move on, only to come across the same problem again months later, so hopefully this website will mean that I and possibly others won't have to puzzle over the same problem over and over.

Since I work for a genomic research institute, most of the programming I do is to solve problems that are biological at heart. Bioinformatics and computational biology is constantly evolving, always faced with some degree of uncertainty, and involves complex processing of huge quantities of input data. Documented here are some of my experiences in bioinformatics, tools that I've used, problems I've encountered and my solutions to them.

Finally, in deference to my main spare-time interest, I also have some posts here relating to harmonic theory, chord extensions, and other musical topics.

About me