Filtering fastq reads: adventures in optimisation

Part of Edinburgh Genomics' pipeline is to process BCL base call files from an Illumina HiSeqX into fastq files. Most of the work is done by an Illumina program called bcl2fastq, but we found a problem with the fastqs generated: some of the reads were very short - less than 36 bases. It turned out that these were DNA adapters used in the sequencing, and didn't actually contain any real sequence data. As a result, we had to remove these from the fastqs by scanning each pair and, if either the R1 or R2 for each read was too short, remove it. Take the example fastq pair below:


@read1 len 8
@read2 len 6
@read3 len 3
@read4 len 9


@read1 len 9
@read2 len 3
@read3 len 8
@read4 len 7

Here, with a read length threshold of 4, reads 2 and 3 should be filtered out of both fastqs, leaving us with an R1 and an R2 each containing a @read1 and a @read4.

To solve this problem, we initially used a program called Sickle, which does the job but is quite slow, taking up to 6 hours to process a full set of fastqs from a good HiSeqX run. We first hypothesised that the slowdown was because Sickle implements a sliding window. Sliding windows are a common statistical technique in bioinformatics where, for each base in a DNA sequence, a 'score' (of base quality, GC content or whatever) is calculated from all the surrounding bases. Naturally, this means that Sickle does a lot of potentially expensive logic beyond simply calculating read lengths.

Sickle took about 90 mins to process a pair of 4 Gb example fastq files. In an attempt to optimise this stage, we decided to try rolling our own fastq filterer.


Firstly, we introduced another control alongside Sickle. A Python implementation of the functionality described above took about 4.5 hours to process the aforementioned pair of 4 Gb fastqs. Now we know that Sickle may be slow, but not that slow! However, having implemented the necessary logic ourselves, we now know how to solve the problem - it's just a matter of optimising for speed.


We decided to try a different implementation of the above Python script in C. Despite the popularity of high level languages like Python, Perl, R, etc. in bioinformatics, C has retained popularity where it's important to be able to fly through a huge text file at high speed. Our C program would have a series of relatively simple tasks: read in a pair of corresponding reads from two fastq files, check both sequences and, if both were long enough, add them to a pair of corresponding output files.

Firstly, we had to stream in GZ compressed data from two fastq files (since data files are almost always compressed in bioinformatics), and then read that uncompressed data in line by line. This is possible using functions from C's zlib library, and is discussed in the companion article on C.

Compressing output data

Because data files are usually GZ compressed, our script needs to be able to output fastq.gz files. Once again, zlib is capable of this, however when we ran it, it turned out to be about the same speed as Sickle, despite not doing any of Sickle's sliding windows or quality filtering! Clearly, our original sliding-window-slowdown hypothesis was wrong, and the rate-limiting step was something else.

We next tried removing data compression/decompression from the script (i.e, reading and writing uncompressed fastqs), which improved performance significantly. It turned out that the rate-limiting step in our C script was compression of output data. Fortunately, it is possible to compress data in parallel with a multi-threaded version of gz: Pigz by Mark Adler, co-developer of zlib. If we could output uncompressed data from our script and pipe that into Pigz, we might be able to get some good results.

The number of output files meant that we couldn't use simple Unix pipes, however Bash has solutions for this, as discussed in the companion article on Bash IO.


Our fastq filterer now reads in GZ compressed data with zlib, does read length filtering, and then uses Bash constructs to write compressed output data via Pigz. Using this approach, we were able to get the processing time for a pair of 4 Gb fastqs down from an hour and a half to about 5 minutes.

This improvement in performance was less dramatic when working with full-size test files, however we still found the script to run in about 1/5th or 1/6th of the time Sickle was taking. As of this writing, we are now working to integrate this new C script into our pipeline, allowing us to filter fastq reads much more quickly than before.

  1. C is fast - really fast! Remember that an equivalent fastq filtering script in Python took about 3 times as long to run as Sickle or our initial C script.
  2. While things like GZ compression can slow down programs, C is so fast that sliding windows, quality filtering and GZ decompression can be done without such significant slow-downs.
  3. Multithreading of GZ compression is not only possible, but also very effective. I'll definitely be using Pigz more in the future.

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